Institute of Land and the Human Right
cims financial report
23/03/2015 14:37
Our Focus
Our Approach
Organizational Project Structure: Exemplary Approach to ABE (Adult Basic Education)
CIMS Administrative Structure
Our activities
The following pages will describe those four modules of our free-of-charge training and workshop seminars that we have begun to plan. They are subject to continuous revision pending outside expertise (both advisory and participatory), as well as community feedback. CIMS volunteers have been selected to head the implementation of these activities based on their own background and knowledge. They themselves attend respective workshops in order to improve their own understanding of cutting-edge approaches, techniques, and solutions. Field research in collaboration with local authorities, cooperatives, churches and other associations provides baseline information for needs assessments and the respective program design. The four modules are:
- Family Planning and Reproductive Health Campaign
- Land Use Program
- ABE – Adult Basic Education
- Sanitation, Hygiene, Nutrition
This is a campaign to encourage spousal communication about family planning and to promote the use of contraceptives and safe sex practices for better health and the reduction in the number of unplanned pregnancies, especially among adolescents. It will raise awareness of maternal health issues and their prevention and treatment. Confidential individual and couples-counseling sessions will be offered, and emotional and psychological aspects of sexual abuse, absence of consensual decision-making, and gender imbalance will be explored.
Reason and respect will be promoted as core values in male-female relationships. When women can take control of their fertility they can prepare themselves educationally, financially, and emotionally before deciding to have children, with the emphasize being on “decision”. Planned children, born to older, more mature and better educated parents have a higher chance of achieving success and happiness. We recognize the importance of preparing for parenthood and want to implant the understanding that reproductive freedom is an essential prerequisite for creating healthy families. Planned parent hood and awareness of reproductive health issues will reduce unwanted pregnancies, gender-imbalances in household and community power-structures, and overall fertility.
· To provide reproductive and maternal health education and to raise awareness of sexually transmitted disease (STD)
· To create an environment in which couples can freely speak with mutual respect about their choices of sexual behavior
· To empower women to pursue an education and (micro)-economic activities
· To increase awareness and use of contraceptive tools
· To reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and overall fertility
As an ad-on to interested participants, we will also offer a seminar with the goal of training future trainers on matters of family planning and reproductive health. Guided by a set of core competencies, which cover all the essential skills, information and values needed in order to run safe, informed, and practical sex and relationships work (SRW) sessions with young people, male and female, as well as married and non-married couples, this three-day seminar will prepare participants to meet these competencies in delivering SRW.
Day one
- Exploring emotional, physical and behavioral sexual development
- How young people learn and SRW
- Choice or chance: talking to young people about age and first sexual experience
- The history of sex and relationships education and how it impacts on SRW
Day Two
- Exploring the value of SRW with young people
- Gaining awareness of personal values and how they impact on professional practice
- Setting and maintaining appropriate professional boundaries
Day Three
- Information on relevant law and guidance on how it applies to work practice
- Anti-discriminatory practice and SRW
- Gaining confidence with one-to-one work
· To create competence and confidence in the design, development, delivery and evaluation of SRW training
· To understand the context in which training in sexual health occurs and in which individual choices about sexual behavior are being made
· To develop facilitation skills and preparedness for professional conduct in the delivery of SRW training
In the past, CIMS has established a proven track record of successful mediation in land disputes which often times led to the consensual sharing of land and the avoidance of particular cases of landlessness, especially involving widows and child-headed households.
In light of the many challenges that rural populations continue to face in their dependence on land access and use, this program will seek to provide participants with new techniques, practical assistance and advice so as to enable them to make better use of their landholdings. Increased efficiency and productivity through education in soil and water management, raised security of land tenure through assistance with demarcation and official registration, and improved understanding of rights and responsibilities under the law, are three of the main focal points of CIMS’ efforts in this area.
Participants in this workshop will be individual members of rural society, agricultural associations, and members of vulnerable groups. The Land Use Program will be teaching agricultural techniques that can improve harvests at the same time as they increase sustainability. It will provide participants with a deeper understanding of causes and consequences in the interplay between man and nature.
· To provide a general understanding of the land use planning principles which underlie land management and the regulatory process under the 2005 Land Law
· To foster an understanding of the interrelationship between land use and human needs for natural resources and environmental quality and sustainability
· To instill a sense of best practices for effective land use and administration
· To minimize soil erosion and improve and protect water quality
· To achieve greater productivity and efficiency in household land use and management
· To reduce conflict potential through education, mediation, and assistance with formal land registration
Our Adult Basic Education program responds to the need for greater skill and opportunity to actively seek out and engage in alternative income-generating activities. The country-wide adult rate of illiteracy is about 35%, and many a subsistence farmer and rural household is trapped in a situation of land-dependence in the absence of relevant skills to enter a trade or otherwise participate in the rural economy. Basic reading and writing skills as well as basic numeracy are at the core of this workshop for (young) adults and adolescents.
Many CIMS members have backgrounds in teaching and education. In addition, they continue to receive training from institutions and organizations alike. While part of the ABE program involves direct teaching seminars in local communities, it also entails the recruitment of education professionals to offer their services in rural ‘centers of excellence’, for which local churches are among our priority partners. Graduates of the ABE program are also to be encouraged to volunteer to systematic integration into a network of rural teachers of basic literacy and numeracy.
- To create a sense for the importance of literacy and numeracy skills among rural populations and to encourage them to learn
- To advocate and create a sense of urgency among education professionals to join the CIMS network of volunteer teachers in remote areas of rural Rwanda and to offer basic education sessions to participants
- To increase the literacy and numeracy rates in rural areas and attain a skills level at which students achieve higher self-confidence and the basic skills necessary for greater opportunity and social mobility
- To receive and distribute tools and learning materials to network members and rural ‘centers of excellence’ and to stock or build small libraries in rural communities
- To systematically increase the number of ABE graduates and to incorporate them into the volunteer teacher network and to gradually but consistently increase their proficiency and teaching efficiency
Sanitation, Hygiene, Nutrition
Workshops will be teaching the essentials of personal hygiene and creating awareness of the linkages between sanitation, hygiene, nutrition and health. Technical assistance will be provided for community sanitation programs and other related water management techniques. Participants will be educated about various human-made micro-habitats of mosquito breeding and, where available, provided with bed-nets. In addition, nutrition counseling will be an integral part of this module as well as the lobbying of local authorities to provide adequate sanitary measures in their communities.
Rural populations will be educated about existing medical insurance schemes as well as encouraged to make greater use of local health centers and clinics. Stigmatization, superstition, and inappropriate home-treatment methods will be countered through objective yet personalized and sensitive advocacy.
Personal health is most important to increased activity and happiness. A healthy and strong body and mind will help to increase productivity and efficiency both of farming and non-farming activities. Sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition training will thus contribute to reduced idleness, inefficiencies, and unnecessary human suffering.
- To reduce malnutrition and increase personal health of adults, adolescents, children, and families
- To encourage the use of medical infrastructure such as small clinics and hospitals for preventative and curative consultation
- To contribute to greater levels of socio-economic activity through improved physical and mental health
- To provide safer environments through awareness-raising and communal sanitation programs
Overview of activities:
Situation Analysis
A. Driving forces of change
- 2005 Land Reform Law with its policy of consolidation and emphasis on productivity-enhancement and the associated confusion about legal ramifications among rural landholders (rights & responsibilities)
- Rural transformation process as part of Vision 2020 national development strategy and agricultural change
- Resource pressure and land degradation through erosion and nutrient depletion
- Population density and growth rate with associated urgent need for job-creation
- Vulnerable groups of widows, child-headed households, and returned refugees with large representations in rural communities
- Sub-Saharan Africa’s highest proportion of people in poverty and relatively low levels of education among the majority of rural populations
B. Key Strategic Issues
- Lack of transportation complicates movement of CIMS trainers and conflict mediators beyond their immediate localities
- Lack of office materials, supplies, and equipment hinders collaboration with institutions and national and international NGOs as well effective information management, documentation and information
- Extreme lack of funding in all general activities makes for difficult planning and frequent bottlenecks in the delivery of our projects
- Lack of funds to train additional fieldworkers
- Communication with potential partner organizations, donors and international friends made difficult through absence of permanent IT infrastructure and reliance on internet cafes for related office work and word processing
C. External Analysis
Political, legal, & regulatory factors
- Need for awareness-raising and education about 2005 Land Law
- Assistance in demarcation and formal registration process of land required
- Large numbers of land-related disputes clog the judicial system and often go unresolved for a long time; traditional and community-based mediation systems needed
Economic Factors
- Poverty in rural areas both contributes to and is caused by illiteracy, population growth, and a growing number of disputes concerning scarce resources
- Lack of access to socio-economic opportunities that are not contingent on direct access to land stifles progress in the rural transformation process and helps to perpetuate conflict
Social, demographic & cultural factors
- Little knowledge and acceptance of modern medicine, concepts of nutrition, sanitation, personal hygiene and soil and water management
- High prevalence of non-monogamous relationships, early parenthood and traditional marriages without legal title and associated rights before the law including the Land Law of 2005
- Lack of understanding of sexual and reproductive health, including taboos, myths, and stigmas, creates an atmosphere prone to unintended diseases that could be easily avoided, unintended pregnancies, and premature deaths
Science & technological factors
- Transportation and infrastructure in and around rural areas is severely limited, which makes access to agricultural product markets and local authorities and conflict mediation tools difficult
- Lack of knowledge about best practices in pest management, soil and water management, productivity-enhancing techniques etc. and lack of agricultural inputs contribute to poor development and to more conflict
- Lack of access to sources of information and communication channels results in under provision of market-information, mediation and productivity-enhancing skills
D. Internal Analysis
Primary Areas of Activity
- Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns
- Conflict Mediation
- Land Surveying and Registration
- Agricultural Productivity, Soil and Water Management
- Family planning and Reproductive Health
- Literacy and Numeracy Training
- Sanitation, Hygiene and Nutrition
- “Train-the-Trainers” for highest possible multiplier effects
Resources and capabilities
- CIMS volunteers and fieldworkers come from a variety of educational backgrounds and professions
- There exists a high level of mutual trust and respect between CIMS and rural communities
- Knowledge and successful track-record in the area of extra-judicial conflict mediation
- Language duality: French and Kinyarwanda
- Interconnectedness of all activities: synergy is naturally created and is conducive to further success
- Ongoing and follow-up conflict resolution support
Financial Statements and Activity Reports
Main Activities
The year 2004 was characterized by counseling and advocacy activities fighting against stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV/Aids in the district of NYAGATARE in Eastern province.
CIMS also assisted the World Food Program in the identification of more than 120 needy families and the subsequent distribution of food donations.
Peace Building Healing and Reconciliation (PHARP), a regional NGO working in Kenya Sudan, Uganda and Rwanda entered into collaboration with CIMS as a partner in teaching Rwandan youth and improving their understanding of and capacities for bringing peace to their communities. A total of fifty youth was trained about peace building and reconciliation, as well as HIV/Aids prevention.
Main Activities
- Advocacy on land rights to returning refugees from Tanzania
- Peace and Reconciliation Training in association with PHARP
- Reproductive Health and Family Planning Campaign
- Leadership trainings to small groups of vulnerable people (widows, child-headed households)
- Microfinance Advocacy and Training with Care International and PPEMER
- Basic skills / vocational training
Main Activities
The Multi-sectaries AIDS Project (MAP) sponsored a general fund and stipends for children living with or having their caretakers suffering from HIV/Aids. CIMS identified beneficiaries and assisted with the implementation of the program that provided school fees, uniforms, and school materials for:
- 36 children from vulnerable landless families to visit primary schools
- 24 children from vulnerable landless families to visit secondary schools
- The financing of micro-level household activities for the generation of income
- The purchase and distribution of livestock for widows of HIV/Aids
CIMS received much training, financial assistance, and hands-on assistance from two foreign individuals in the field of land administration, reform, and survey. From this year-long partnership CIMS benefited greatly in terms of advocacy and lobbying expertise.
PHARP supported our rural youth by funding the acquisition of sowing machines for landless people in need of alternative income generating opportunities, especially young and single mothers and sex workers.
Main Activities
Through our prolonged presence in various communities in different districts around the country CIMS has gained a very high level of mutual trust and respect with rural populations. We engaged in mediation in land-related conflicts and associated advocacy with authorities. Our unique relationship with our beneficiaries has created a situation in which our assistance is requested actively, and word-of-mouth is spreading about our activities. Individuals from our partner communities increasingly ask for services and advice going beyond mediation and reconciliation in land disputes.
- During 2007 we became involved in 70 disputes of which only three remained unresolved after CIMS was consulted
- A total of 235 new conflicts over land were identified by our field representatives
In January 2008, CIMS for the first time partnered with Global Youth Connect (GYC), an organization that brings American students to Rwanda for intensive workshops in Human Rights and Social Peace and Justice. Some CIMS members became participants in these workshops and US students later spent time volunteering with CIMS. Thanks to their support, we now have English language documentation of our work, as well as a website and friends who can help to advocate on our behalf. Since then, CIMS has partnered with GYC one other time and we are proud to be lead local partner in the summer 2009 delegation.
Unfortunately, our funding situation has deteriorated over the past few years as donor budgets have been cut back and individual donations have been harder to receive. Our own members continue to spend much of their personal financial resources to be able to volunteer for us in the field. We are actively working to create new strategic partnerships with national and international NGOs as well as institutional and individual donors.
Despite these challenges, our activities have not come to a halt as we continue to offer mediation and reconciliation services in land disputes and consult with rural communities in the planning and design of our proposed workshop series. In addition, CIMS has assisted many households in the demarcation and formal land registration process during 2008 and in early 2009.